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Re: I hate MOCPages
Tue, 7 Sep 2004 22:19:42 GMT
1974 times
In lugnet.general, John Neal wrote:
In lugnet.general, Sean Kenney wrote:

I've considered granting MOCpages account holders the ability to delete
these reviews from their pages themselves, but (as someone here mentioned) I
am afraid that people would abuse this right.

What about granting the ability to turn on and off the review mechanism

I like that idea-- it's always been an annoying bug in my mind that people will
abuse the voting/reviewing right by simply cleaning out their cookies and
voting/reviewing multiple times; hence boosting their favorite MOCs and (more
devastating) trashing those they don't like (often probably for personal

As John suggested, allowing people to turn that off might be a nice feature for
people who are just looking to show off their MOC's.

Another possible soltuion might be to have "trusted votes/reviews" and "public
votes/reviews"-- so if you're logged in, your votes get counted towards the
"trusted" score rather than the "public" score. It might also cut down on your
moderation, since trusted reviews could conceivably require less scrutiny on
your part.

Another benefit of that is saving results. I've voted for a few MOC's (in fact I
remember in the earlier days of MOCPages when I noticed that only a few MOC's
had any votes I went through like 50 in a day)-- however since I travel from
computer to computer, and periodically lose cookies or switch browsers, all my
votes are lost as being 'mine'. It's always nice to see "MOC's you've rated 5/5"
or something like that, but without tying votes/reviews back to loginid's
(rather than just cookies), they're as temporal as my cookie file :(

And of course there's always the idea of outsourcing your moderation too, to
trusted people in the community. If nothing else, it might help cut down on your
review workload :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I hate MOCPages
(...) What about granting the ability to turn on and off the review mechanism completely? Personally, though I'm gratified by praise for my MOCs, I really could get along without the whole thing. People can still send feedback to a contact addy if (...) (20 years ago, 7-Sep-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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