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Re: I hate MOCPages
Fri, 3 Sep 2004 14:41:59 GMT
1579 times
In lugnet.general, Anthony Sava wrote:
So Sean, buddy, I'm not trying to cheapen your website, cause I really do think
it's a great idea in theory.  But would it be possible to impliment a membership
requirement on reviewing and rating creations?  Without accountability,
anomynity allows for some serious abuses of the system.

I think Amazon handles problem reviews well (as they typically lead the Web
world in community & collaboration, IMO).  Users browsing their sites see "Was
this review helpful to you? Yes/No" on all reviews, and there's a "Report This"
link as well.  I don't know what their process is once you click the Report This
link, but it tabulates a score like "4 of 5 customers found this review to be
helpful" for each review based on the helpful votes.

One thing that Amazon does not do that I think is important for review quality
is to "soften" the overall customer rating of a product through weighting the
overall score tabulation by the helpful/nonhelpful ratio.  For example, if a
4-star review has 31 of 33 helpful votes, that should count more than a 1-star
review with 1 of 22 helpful votes.  There tend to be a lot of reviews
(especially of books dealing with controversial subjects) where some people
leave panning reviews and others leave glowing reviews, so the product gets a
mediocre score that reflects the good/bad ratio rather than high-quality
good/bad ratio.

Of course, Amazon is designed for mainly non-participatory feedback where the
author/creator of the work is uninvolved in the review process, and MOCPages is
for direct publication by the creator.  It'd be good to get the creator involved
with the ability to comment on reviews.  I've had some reviews where reviewers
had asked a question, and it would be nice to be able to directly respond to

BTW, Sean, thanks for all your hard work with MOCPages.  It's a great
contribution to the community.


Message is in Reply To:
  I hate MOCPages
Now before you climb up onto your high horse, let me begin by saying I love MOCpages, and I think Sean Kenney is doing the community a great service. But I hate the users on MOCpages, at least a few of them. Since I've joined, but over the last six (...) (20 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to lugnet.general) !! 

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