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Re: I hate MOCPages
Fri, 3 Sep 2004 18:06:49 GMT
1573 times
I agree. I've had to request removal of an obscene review before as well. Not
only do lots of inane and often obscene reviews get posted, but a lot of >people
post MOCs with no photos. That's oh so useful. Just looking at the first 2 >pages
of new MOCs right now, well over half have no pictures.

Oh well, that's the open internet for you. I think some sort of vetting or at
least removal of posting priveledges is needed.


Take a look at Joker's homepage:
Not a single of his so called"MOC's" has a picture. Maybe I missed one but still
what's the point of making a page for it if there aren't any pictures??
Those two problems are the only things I don't like about MOCpages.


Message is in Reply To:
  I hate MOCPages
Now before you climb up onto your high horse, let me begin by saying I love MOCpages, and I think Sean Kenney is doing the community a great service. But I hate the users on MOCpages, at least a few of them. Since I've joined, but over the last six (...) (20 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to lugnet.general) !! 

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