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Re: I hate MOCPages
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 20:43:49 GMT
1865 times
In lugnet.general, Dan Boger wrote:
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 05:56:54PM +0000, Alfred Speredelozzi wrote:

I actually don't agree with this at all.  I hate reading meaasages where you
have to scroll throught the trail to get to the new content.

See - there's your problem.  Replying on the bottom makes a lot of
sense, as long as you TRIM THE QOUTED TEXT.

In lugnet.general, Stephen F. Roberts wrote:

Blame MicroSoft (again :-)... stoopid Outlook has trained people to reply
at the top of messages.

I don't think it's only that.  In my workplace, the general practice is to
always include the whole text of the message to which you are responding, but to
put the new content at the top.  The reasoning, as I understand it, is that
after a few messages back and forth, the whole history of the topic is carried
along with the message, but you don't have to scroll down through all the old
stuff to see what is new.  If you're trying to interleave comments throughout,
it becomes really confusing in a multiple message thread.
E-mail, though, is different from a forum such as this.  Here, all of the old
messages are included in a thread.  In e-mail, you can't count on all parties to
save all of their old e-mails.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I hate MOCPages
(...) See - there's your problem. Replying on the bottom makes a lot of sense, as long as you TRIM THE QOUTED TEXT. Not you in particular Alfred, but everyone. If people just hit <end> and type their text, there's no point. For instance, did you (...) (20 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to lugnet.general)

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