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 Star Wars / 6414
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Re: White vs. Gray in SW sets (was Re: Feelings over 2000 sets . . .)
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 00:59:21 GMT
830 times
In lugnet.starwars, Derek Schin writes:

Todd Lehman wrote in message ...

Maybe we'll see a UCS MF with these in gray!  (drool)

This touches on my biggest pet peeve with official SW LEGO that really only
got worse in the 2000 sets:


Ahem.  Sorry, I lost it there for a second.  But, really, the Millenium
Falcon was white, X-Wings were white, Snowspeeders were white, A-Wings were, I know what you're saying.  "Derek, the Star Wars universe is
'lived-in' and dirty, so gray represents these sets better."  Yes, that's
why I didn't include the Y-Wing (which actually DID have white in the LEGO
version), because they were old and beat up.  And yes, the Snowspeeders were
sort of an off-white, so I can accept them in gray.  But the Falcon,
X-Wings, and A-Wings?  Are the LEGO designers color blind?  Aaarrgh!

Okay, I'm better now.

Great Rant!!!  :)

I know what you mean!  :)

OTOH, white and gray actually are the same color.  And on the screen, doesn't
the MF *look* kinda gray (not white)?

I mean, Stormtroopers, now they look white.  The MF looks like a sheet of
metal-punch metal wrapped over an old dirty shoe.  :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: White vs. Gray in SW sets (was Re: Feelings over 2000 sets . . .)
(...) Yes, and I'm glad they used grey--more grey = better, as far as I'm concerned. (...) Todd, I'm not sure which disturbs me more: The comparison, or the implication that in order to make such a detailed comparison, you have actually at some (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  White vs. Gray in SW sets (was Re: Feelings over 2000 sets . . .)
Todd Lehman wrote in message ... (...) This touches on my biggest pet peeve with official SW LEGO that really only got worse in the 2000 sets: WHY ARE ALL OF THE SHIPS THAT SHOULD BE WHITE MADE IN GRAY?!?!?! Ahem. Sorry, I lost it there for a (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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