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Re: Feelings over 2000 sets . . .
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 06:37:50 GMT
645 times
On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 04:48:22 GMT, "Brad Hamilton" <>

In lugnet.starwars, Jonathan Little writes:

The castle sets look promising as well.  I never really got into the ninja
stuff.  Perhaps I'm more attuned to Western rather than Eastern architecture.
I haven't yet purchaced a 2000 castle set, but I will within a month or so.

I'm actually sorry to see those go.  They're the only "castle" sets
I've purchased.  Bet you can't guess which part of the world I'm
interested in.

As for this years SW sets, I dunno, I too didn't feel QUITE as excited
about them too.  I guess like the original post said, the novelty wore
off.  If they release a Lamda class shuttle then I'll be excited
(that's always been my favourite space ship out of SW).

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Feelings over 2000 sets . . .
(...) I've had mixed feelings about the 2000 sets. I've been very happy with the new Arctic ones. These are only moderately juniorized and provided a lot of neat, new parts that I've integrated into my creations. The castle sets look promising as (...) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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