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Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 02:20:33 GMT
754 times
Scott Edward Sanburn wrote:

As do I. I know they had a much better selection of LEGO sets than anyone, TRU
looked like and still does a garbage store compared to them. They had a lot of
sets that were not anywhere else, I do not know if they were from Europe or
whatever, and they also had a lot more stock than TRU did. The employees seemed
a lot nicer and more helpful as well.

Emphasis on the final sentence...

TRU seems to be a collection of dim-witted
teenagers that barely deserve the minimum wage. It is too bad, really.

And *THAT* is an argument against minimum wage. I feel that as the
minimum wage has went up, and as we've had labor shortages galore, the
people we have working for minimum wage or just above in the service
industries are kind of the dregs of the employable... I would have been
FIRED from McD for some of the stuff I endure from "employees" every
time I go into one nowadays. But then I had the incentive of a higher
wage to motivate me to give good service.

followups are carefully set to off-topic.debate, please honor that.

Larry Pieniazek
- - - Web Application Integration!
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.

NOTE: Soon to be :-)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
(...) That is funny, I have noticed that as well, in numerous places, where the people act like it is a right to have a job. The Meijer that I am working for at my second job is that way. The teenagers there do nothing as baggers, and they had to (...) (25 years ago, 19-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
(...) As do I. I know they had a much better selection of LEGO sets than anyone, TRU looked like and still does a garbage store compared to them. They had a lot of sets that were not anywhere else, I do not know if they were from Europe or whatever, (...) (25 years ago, 18-Nov-99, to

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