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Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:17:23 GMT
472 times

None of that changes the fact that the average Joe on the floor probably
doesn't know how to manipulate the system to get that data.  It's really the
luck of the draw whether or not you find someone who knows how.  It's also
entirely possible that the folk on the floor are not SUPPOSED to know how, and
won't tell random strangers things they aren't supposed to know.


Tell them things they aren't supposed to know? I would think it would be the
opposite. Since most customers are looking for a particular item it is very
useful for the floor workers to be able to access what is in stock or when it
is expected in. Then again the toy store industry is a far cry from the retail
field I worked in for a short time.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
(...) Yes. The system MUST have that capability, and it must be accessable. TRU would not have become the monolithic chain it has without inventory controls and excellent tracking capabilities. However, it is also possible, (even likely) that the (...) (25 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to

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