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Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 19:51:46 GMT
474 times
In, Christopher Lannan writes:
In, James Brown writes:
Yes.  The system MUST have that capability, and it must be accessable.  TRU
would not have become the monolithic chain it has without inventory controls
and excellent tracking capabilities.  However, it is also possible, (even
likely) that the 'average' guy on the floor doesn't know about it, since he
has zero need for it.  My information has come from someone who likes to poke
around in the corners of strange computers, to find out what they do ;)

So the $64k question is, kids:

We can probably assume from what you guys have said that SOMEONE in the TRU
corporation, not necessarily someone at a store, could, if they wanted to (and
you'd think they would- we're going to spend a LOT of money on these), tell us
when we'll see the sets on shelves. The question is- How can we get this
supposed person(s) to tell us? Any ideas?

Oh the folks in the stores can find out.  But practically speaking, it's not
worth their time.  Because, well, you're going to buy them regardless of when
they hit the shelf, right?  So unless you know someone, or can convince
someone, to hunt down the information, it's going to stay a guess.  I'm not
stunningly worried about it, myself.  It's not like they're going to be hard
to find, neh?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
(...) So the $64k question is, kids: We can probably assume from what you guys have said that SOMEONE in the TRU corporation, not necessarily someone at a store, could, if they wanted to (and you'd think they would- we're going to spend a LOT of (...) (25 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to

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