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 Off-Topic / Debate / 2553
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Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:03:32 GMT
541 times
In, Scott Edward Sanburn wrote:

The minimum wage is a bad idea, most people, especially here in Ann Arbor, are
around 1-2.00/per hour more anyway, since the labor market is so tight. Never
forget most people on minimum wage are teenagers and college students, not most

Yep.  The current problems with incompetent low-brow labor have nothing to do
with minimum wage, and everything to do with the job market.  Employers have to
hire anybody they can, and the situation is clearly demonstrating that not just
anybody is adequate for jobs "anybody can do".


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
(...) to (...) just (...) Here's a customer service horror story for you that has nothing to do with minimum wage. I'm at the airport in Scranton waiting in line at the ticket counter behing about four other people. There is ONE agent behing the (...) (25 years ago, 19-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TRU venting (was Re: Prices of New Star Wars LEGO)
(...) That is funny, I have noticed that as well, in numerous places, where the people act like it is a right to have a job. The Meijer that I am working for at my second job is that way. The teenagers there do nothing as baggers, and they had to (...) (25 years ago, 19-Nov-99, to

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