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Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909)
Tue, 5 Oct 1999 20:46:37 GMT
1325 times
In, Mark Lindsey writes:
I think it is time for an informal poll of what everyone's favorite aircraft
from this line really is.  There are seven aircraft by my count and here is
how I rank them with 7 being lowest and 1 being highest:
7)Shell exclusive mini-plane
6)Kabaya exclusive Plane of Hurrykain
5)Hot Air Balloon from the 5988 set
4)Pontoon Plane
3)Bi-wing Baron Plane
2)Larger White Bi-wing with the 5909 set
1)Expedition Balloon from set 5956

Hi Mark
My favorite aircraft are (just counting the ones I like):
1) 5909 large tan and white bi-wing
2) 5928 bi-wing baron
3) 5956 expedition balloon

By the way what is everyones' favorite car or truck?

1) 5909 car with passenger sideboard guns (though not overly realistic)
2) 5918 great standard to measure others against, and fairly inexpensive
3) 5919 admittedly odd-shaped, but I liked the designers using the casket for a
chassis (picture granpa munster driving something like this)

??) my honorable mention goes to the 5988 truck.  I like the basic
design/beginnings of this vehicle but don't like the way the roof doesn't meet
the windshield.

..joseph g

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909)
(...) a (...) Hi Joseph, Glad to hear your input on the vehicles. I heartily agree that the 5909 car is the best. I love the engine and exhaust pipes on it. The vehicle from the 2995 set is also superb, much like the Scorpion Tracker but the back (...) (25 years ago, 5-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)

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