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Re: Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909)
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 19:10:42 GMT
2096 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Steve Bliss writes:
'Interesting' may have been a bad word-choice.  I *do* like the Amazon
sets.  Well, the blimp is kinda goofy.  Comparing Amazon to Egyptian, the
Amazon sets have a higher level of juniorization, the buildings are less
inspired, and the price/piece is higher.

Why do you think that price per piece did go up on the sets?  Is it
the "juniorization", to use your word, of the larger less building intensive
pieces?  And what do you mean by inspired?

I think what you consider 'vibrant and alive', I look at as 'loud and

Well we all have our opinions.  Did you like the Islanders subtheme from the
Pirates line?

I can't imagine much in the way of large bases, which is the
meat-and-potatoes of the Adventurers line.  Imagine, if you will, the 2000
"Artic Adventurers" line:

- A large ($80) "North Pole Outpost", featuring two white 32x32 baseplates,
decorated with a half-a-dozen white BURPs.  Includes a SPUD dogsled, with 2
SPUD huskies.  Also an expedition tent and a red-and-white pole.  With 4
Adventurers, 2 adversaries, and a white snowmonster (AKA, Rockmonster).

- A medium ($40) "Inuit Village", featuring a white 16x32 baseplate,
decorated with several white igloos (made from BURPs).  Includes 6
villagers and various Adventurers.  Obligatory SPUD dogsled and 4 SPUD
huskies are also included.

Give me those Inuits now!!!!

These are deliberately bad examples, but I hope you see where I'm going
with this.  I just don't see the *building* possibilities in an Artic

Sadly, perhaps, I find your ideas intriguing and good.  Again a matter of
opinion. I would love to see sets like those you described if for no other
reason than to have an environment LEGO has never touched upon.  The best
lines in my opinion are always the ones set in the freshest and most original
settings.  I don't know if you saw my other post about possiblities for this
line but some of my ideas were for sunken ships or a subtheme pertaining to
ancient Greece or Rome.  What do you think?  Let me hear some of your ideas or
wishes for this line.

Mark L

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909)
(...) Yes, since the pieces are larger, and more specialized, they are going to cost more per piece. But the 'building enjoyment' tends to be directly related to the number of pieces, not their complexity. So I'd rather build a bunch with simpler (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Favorite Adventurers vehicles (Re: 4x2ReVu: 5909)
(...) 'Interesting' may have been a bad word-choice. I *do* like the Amazon sets. Well, the blimp is kinda goofy. Comparing Amazon to Egyptian, the Amazon sets have a higher level of juniorization, the buildings are less inspired, and the (...) (25 years ago, 7-Oct-99, to lugnet.adventurers)

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