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Re: Worst of the worst
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general
Sat, 12 Aug 2006 16:11:10 GMT
315 times
In, Arthur Clarke wrote:
   In, Timothy Gould wrote:
While I can understand your desire to jump in with a general defense of Eric against what would ordinarily be considered bad behaviour I would recommend you check background before doing so in future. He has threatened me on this forum with violence before and generally acted like an egotistical twit which is why I feel no guilt whatsoever in mocking him elsewhere.

Sorry to make an example out of you but this is precisely why I get annoyed with the sort of post he just made. It’s designed to draw ignorant people like yourself (meant in a non-malicious way) into his defense.


You repeat your childishness to no effect.

Dear Admins,

I have my strong suspicions that this is a puppet account for Eric Sophie. The strange use of phrasing and language of this response matches his very closely and the name used is further suggestive of a puppet account. I would ask that you check technical details for the account against Eric.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Worst of the worst
(...) My name and my “strange use of phrasing and language” are my own I commented on this issue as I believe I recognize the behavior being demonstrated by some of the people on this forum. I have been involved in resolving many cases of (...) (19 years ago, 12-Aug-06, to, lugnet.admin.general, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Worst of the worst
(...) You repeat your childishness to no effect. (19 years ago, 12-Aug-06, to, FTX)

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