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 Technic / 16772
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Non-standard uses for parts
Sat, 9 Jan 2010 01:11:11 GMT
19694 times
In lugnet.technic, Ley Ward wrote:
   In lugnet.announce, Didier Enjary wrote: --snip--
   The 6538 has two functions. The first one is as an axle connector and is the common use. The second one is far less obvious but TECHNIC core fans know it is used in combination with the driving ring (6539) in gear boxes. Only this second functionnality needs the connector to be notched.

Incidentally, both the old and new versions have a useful SNOT function, enabling one to place two 2x2 or larger pieces in a studs-in orientation due to the connector being able to fit between four studs. While I consider this useful, I have yet to incorporate it into a completed MOC. YMMV.

Peace and function, Professor Whateverly

A corollary to this (that I discovered yesterday - apologies if this is already well known) is that you can use a bushing to lock a driving ring to the axle - the same notches that allow the bushing to fit between four studs will act as the grooves in the axle joiner that the driving ring grips. Not sure how useful this is, but it could be worth knowing.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
In lugnet.announce, Didier Enjary wrote: --snip-- (...) --snip-- Incidentally, both the old and new versions have a useful SNOT function, enabling one to place two 2x2 or larger pieces in a studs-in orientation due to the connector being able to fit (...) (17 years ago, 18-May-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)

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