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 Technic / 15766
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Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
Fri, 18 May 2007 09:10:25 GMT
21186 times
I'm guessing they didn't want to use lt grey because they don't think kids can
easily distinguish pins and axle pins. "Standard" colour of frictionless pins is
lt grey.
Also, in the distant past TLC has actually produced the non friction
variety of axle pin in black (I own a few myself). Although that probably
doesn't matter to TLC :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
(...) I'm guessing they didn't want to use lt grey because they don't think kids can easily distinguish pins and axle pins. "Standard" colour of frictionless pins is lt grey. ROSCO (17 years ago, 18-May-07, to lugnet.technic,, FTX)

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