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 Technic / 15753
15752  |  15754
Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
Thu, 17 May 2007 11:09:58 GMT
20227 times

   Why is it that no other theme differentiates similar (yet obviously different) parts by colour. Perhaps the reason TLG have not produced a “big-ben” wheel is because it would only be made in blue ?

Actually all models (and often themes) do to some degree. Try to find a modern set with the same colour used for horizontal and vertical clips.

   Being Australian i have to appreciate the irony of the situation but that does not subtract from my loathing of double standards.


Presumably that explains why the Liberals are still in.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
(...) Tim i think you may have missed something and i offer my oppologies, being australian i find it very difficult to explain the obvious and my use of the english language is not as good as it could be. That said my use of the language may not be (...) (17 years ago, 17-May-07, to lugnet.technic,, FTX)

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