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 Technic / 15744
15743  |  15745
Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
Tue, 15 May 2007 04:59:35 GMT
19717 times
the Cafe' Corner! In short...something for those of us 18 and older. At least it
looks like the Nickelodeon licensing agreement has either expired or mercifully
gone away. That's a start, if you ask me.
Actually, no it hasn't :(
There are new sets of the boat school, chum bucket and something involving
that squirrel coming out sometime in 2007 (if they aren't already out)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
(...) **sighs, then grins** Well, so much for that! Since that's the case...could they at least try something with Danny Phantom? Or would that get in the way of the Harry Potter stuff? Play Well and Prosper, Matthew (17 years ago, 15-May-07, to lugnet.technic,, FTX)

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  Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
(...) Jindroush-- I'd like to see the colorization stop as well; I don't like the loss of function but the "standardized" colorization...well...I'm really hard core: Technic should have remained "Expert Builder" here in the U.S., and gears should be (...) (17 years ago, 15-May-07, to lugnet.technic,, FTX)

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