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 Technic / 15765
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Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
Fri, 18 May 2007 04:08:15 GMT
14409 times
In lugnet.technic, Brian Davis wrote:


   Well, if that was the only consideration (and I’m sure it’s not; as I said, I don’t understand that standardization in particular), great, then the color doesn’t matter in the Technic line, and they can use whatever standard color they want, making parts sorting easier. Again, it comes down to how you use the product... and I’m suggesting that it may make sense in a product line oriented more and more towards function, to color code things. I may not like it... but I can see how it could make sense.

Hmmm...that’s an interesting thought, and does make a certain amount of logical sense.


Geeeeeeeez, I hate it when something makes incredible sense like that...!

Play Well and Prosper,


“The Brick Detective”

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Informations on new TECHNIC element and color coded parts
(...) Agreed. Which is when I'd need to go to Bricklink, or hopefully other themes, to try to get the part I want in the color I want. My point was for the Technic *theme*, standardized colors to highlight function or make finding small pieces (...) (17 years ago, 18-May-07, to lugnet.technic)

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