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Broader context (was Re: New VLC Logo Idea -- TLC's reply
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.dear-lego
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 20:14:37 GMT
488 times
In, Robin Sather writes:

Kevin Wilson said:
I guess in a way this is my fault since if I hadn't pointed out the
LDraw logo precedent we could have pretended we didn't know, not asked,
and just gone ahead. It might have been annoying later though, when Lego
got around to asking for all the brick logos to be changed.

Not at all.  I thought it was a great idea to check with them.
Unfortunately, I naively assumed that they would be more supportive
right off the bat.  However, I realize that TLC support and respect
are earned commodities.  Perhaps after we've been around a bit, had an
event or two, and generated some actual, measurable, consistent
positive feedback for TLC, they will perhaps be open to a more
supportive role.  Other clubs have certainly experienced this, so
there's no reason to believe that ours would be any different.  Here's
to the future!!

Right on. Here's to the future.

Every club that acts responsibly, does interesting and neat stuff, and builds
a good rep with TLC (well, with TLC individuals) makes it easier for the next
one to leverage that good relationship and to move on to doing meaningful
things with TLC support more quickly if that's what they want to do.

We as a whole (fans, the LUGNET community, clubs and all the permutations
thereof) are changing TLC perception of us *FROM* crackpots who are a nuisance
and who are all whiney talk, and who violate IP and give TLC a bad name, *TO*
passionate indivduals who get things done, band together into effective (yet
fun) organisations, run events that get TLC lots of positive publicity, and
who are a significant force in the marketplace, with important ideas to share
with TLC about future direction, worthy of consultation with and marketing to.

It doesn't happen overnight but the tide is slowly turning.

Thanks go to *all* clubs everywhere and to *all* dedicated, yet
rational/reasonable AFOLs everywhere around the world who are making this
happen for the benefit of all of us (and who are having some great fun at the
same time).

Just my opinion. But we live in interesting times! Thank you EVERYONE.


Message has 1 Reply:
  VLC Logo Idea -- seriously
yes, to the future. And to messages where playful sarcasm doesn't fly. ok... seriously... 1. the registered symbol is a must. 2. do we want to change the name? I feel that having LEGO (R) in the club's name is important to truly define us. Others... (...) (24 years ago, 31-Aug-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New VLC Logo Idea -- TLC's reply
(...) The voice of reason. I agree with you 100%, Kevin. If my tone was too harsh in my reply, I apologize (are you listening, TLC?). I've just never liked the legal crud that we are all forced to put up with (for our protection, mind you) because (...) (24 years ago, 30-Aug-00, to

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