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Re: The Flame and The Lance
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 13:06:33 GMT
1238 times
In, Paul Baulch wrote:

   The Empyrean Flame

Never again. It was a labour of love (all 1.2 metres of it), but the affair is over... It was fun to build, and I was glad to make a microscale (space)battleship with the features it has, but there’s just too many things wrong with big ships. They’re kind of interesting to build once, but they’re a pain to transport and an even bigger pain to photograph. Not to mention one could really make at least two ships that are just as interesting and are a better use of the parts... this one will be dismantled to make way for other stuff.

   The Lance Of Athena

This is my favourite MOC, far and away. It only took a short time to build, it was pure inspiration all the way. My greebling was better than usual, too. IMHO. :-)

Sorry about the slightly murky pics - the setup is good, the camera is not. The macro mode is better, so smaller MOCs will have better photos. I’ll post them in coming weeks, now I’ve got my photographic act together... somewhat. Not having ‘net at home may slow it down a bit.

Feedback is welcome. Lack of feedback is OK, too - I just love building stuff really.



I think Lucasfilm ought to hire you to build their models. I’ve never liked the micro scale stuff. But you have converted me. My favorite feature is the hanger bays. Breathtaking. Is it longer than the blockade runner?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Flame and The Lance
(...) The hangar bays were the main reason I even bothered building such a big microscale ship, really. It's a lot longer than the RBR, and heavier, despite containing a lot less wagon wheels... ;-) Cheers, (URL) Sci-Fi LEGO> (21 years ago, 18-Jun-03, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Flame and The Lance
(3 URLs) The Empyrean Flame> Never again. It was a labour of love (all 1.2 metres of it), but the affair is over... It was fun to build, and I was glad to make a microscale (space)battleship with the features it has, but there's just too many (...) (21 years ago, 17-Jun-03, to, lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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