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Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 16:15:57 GMT
2996 times
In lugnet.robotics, steve <> wrote:

I doubt that adding 64Mb of flash to the NXT would have
increased the price by more than one or two percent...
All this for at most $5 added to the price...probably much
less... I'm horrified at the small amount of flash in the

   You've brought up the price point several times. If your analysis is correct
(example: adding 64MB for a couple bucks), why don't you think LEGO did it? It
would seem to me there are three options:
1) Your economic analysis is flawed.
2) LEGO has other constraints that we either don't know or aren't considering.
3) LEGO is run by a bunch of moronic idiots, and they've survived for the last
several generations on sheer luck.

   OK, I'm a little over the top on the last (& letting my opinion creep in),
but I think it's valid - if they were incapable of seeing something so
"obvious", I have no doubt they'd have failed economicly long ago. This strongly
suggests to me it's not "obvious". At all. Personally, I'd *love* to know why a
LOT of different decisions were made, including this one. But I strongly suspect
it's not nearly as simple as you seem to be representing it.

Brian Davis

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
(...) Another more likely option is that they put the ram and flash ram on the same custom chip as the ARM. Not only would this reduce the parts count, but it would save pinout and simplify the circuit board. (19 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
(...) The size of the flash on the NXT is ridiculously small compared to almost any other consumer-grade embedded systems. Look at cheap digital cameras, PDA's, handheld game systems, thumb drives, MP3 players and cell phones. Name one of them with (...) (19 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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