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RE: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 15:16:54 GMT
2496 times
steve wrote:

I'm still horrified at how little memory the NXT has.  It's

On the contrary, the NXT brick has an enormous amount of

On the RCX, there's 6K of memory for user programs and
datalog in the standard firmware. I can't recall ever seeing
a post with a complaint that a NQC program doesn't fit in
this. I would guess the 256K of flash memory on the NXT
brick has far more memory available for user programs than

I'm having trouble imagining an 'application' program on the
NXT brick that will take 50 (or 100) Kbytes of space.
Typically, there's 3 to 7 code bytes per line of code (LOC)
so you could speculate that a 15K to 20K LOC application
program will fit in the NXT brick. I use the term
'application' programs to exclude all the infrastructure
support - sensor drivers, motor drivers, operating system,
scheduler - that are provided in the base firmware.

For reference, a simple line following robot is 5 LOC and 50
code bytes. [I know this is 10 bytes per LOC but there's
some startup overhead in this]. A very complicated line
following robot - using a PID algorithm - takes about 70
lines of code and uses 500 code bytes. Anybody got any
applications that they plan that are 1000 times more
complicated that this?

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
(...) Yes! Easily. I want to load images from a camera and process them in realtime. To do that, I'd like to take a pre-existing image processing library and compile it for the NXT. That could EASILY consume all 256Kb of flash - and the image itself (...) (19 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
(...) Agreed. (...) Actualy, while I've not posted on this, I've certainly come close. A valid argument could be made that this is because I'm not a good programmer, but it's certainly a problem I've encountered. So, I've worked around it. There are (...) (19 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
(...) Code, may be. But I can easily imagine large data usage in many applications. Example 1: Robot that can play pre-recorded messages. "Danger, Will Robinson!". A robot that can talks base on what it encounters is both fun and help debugging. (...) (19 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mindstorms NXT programming languages
(...) Well, on my Linux box, the main Python interpreter is in a library called 'libpython' with a teeny-tiny main program running the command line version. The library is about a Megabyte - and depends on other stuff from other libraries. This is (...) (19 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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