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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20489
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Re: WMD, again...
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 05:34:57 GMT
564 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:
In, Terry Prosper writes:
In, Dave Schuler writes:

Maybe this analogy would work: I believe in (ie, accept the existence of)
Christianity, but I don't follow it.

I think you are confusing atheism, which is to not believe in any god or
spiritual entity like gogs, with agnostism.  Agnostic people just don't care
for religion, but they may believe or not that a God exists.  As for you,
who believes in Christian religion but doesn't follow it, I think you are a
believer, just not a practicing believer.

Boy oh boy are you off the mark.

John, would you care to field this one for me?  8^)


Do you have a dictionnary?  Search for atheism.  You'll see i'm right.
Here, I'll search for you :

(click to hear the word) (th-zm)

Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

Here is for...
(click to hear the word) (g-nstk)

One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true

I'm totally on the spot.  Care to tell me how the dictionnary is wrong and
you right?


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: WMD, again...
(...) I'll try. I think what was being said by Mr. Schuler(1) is as follows: He acknowledges that christians exist and that they do something called worship. He acknowledges that they hold beliefs. They just don't happen to be HIS beliefs. In other (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
  Re: WMD, again...
(...) I think it was in reference in you specifically stating that Dave! was a non-practicing Christian. Before you, Terry, jump in here with your notions as to who the other 'players' are in o.t-d, it's perhaps good that you do some research on the (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
  Re: WMD, again...
(...) Dave K and Larry have both already answered this for me, but I'll underscore their points in case you missed them. In (URL) I had a go at identifying various kinds/degrees of atheism. In one of these, I speculated, someone might accept the (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: WMD, again...
(...) Boy oh boy are you off the mark. John, would you care to field this one for me? 8^) Dave! (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to

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