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The Lego Beretta just won't die
lugnet.cad, lugnet.general
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 02:00:43 GMT
!! (details)
74 times
Last week someone in the world posted the Lego Beretta Series 92 9mm pistol
that I built over a year ago on

The page typically gets like 20 hits a week. Lately it's getting over 8000 a
day.  And many of these people have been pointed to and here to
LUGNET to learn more about the adult Lego community and specifically LegoCAD
software and design.

Images of the model have been used by a Finnish band on their CD cover, the
Beretta Inc. marketing dept. wrote me an email to say the model was
"beautiful".. and now wants to feature it in their artists

"Dear Sir is a website dedicated to fans of the Beretta brand.
Under the section, Artists, we pay homage to the creative genius' who have
used Beretta firearms as a subject in their work.
With your permission, we would be honoured to feature you as one of these
artists.  Specifically, we would like to publish a graphical representation
of your work, for example, one (or more) of the photos you have on your
website and a summary about you and your work.
Please refer to for examples of artists
already showcasing their work on our site.
Thanking you in anticipation
Josephine DiDio"
All but 2 of the hundreds of emails I've received have been positive. The
negatives were trying to say I'm evil for provoking children to use Lego to
build guns. Uhhhh.. okay.. Children have never before used Lego for toy guns...

Anyway... just wanted to share that I've managed to exposed 10's of thousands
of people to the AFOL community in the last two weeks. Tons of them have said
"I'm going to dig my Lego out of my parent's attic!". That makes me feel good.


Message has 8 Replies:
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
(...) Cool! I didn't read all the comments. Has anyone posted a link to the LEGO machine gun someone made? Frank (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
Hello, (...) thousands (...) said (...) good. (...) I am sorry but I will refuse gladly this kind of PR. I don't want anyone to think I am a fanatics of something that is or was used to kill someone or something. No thanks. Go show off somewhere (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)  
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
(...) WOW! That is fantastic. Since I did not see this the first time around, I am glad you posted this now. As an avid firearms enthusiast (err, gun nut!) who has fired the Beretta on numerous occasions (though I do not yet own one), I applaud your (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
(...) World (finances) stepped in... Now it looks like I can not only get one, but it'll cost a lot less too! :-D Awesome design, Jeff. Thank you! Cheers, - jsproat (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
"Jeff Boen" <> wrote in message (...) pistol (...) a (...) to (...) LegoCAD (...) So, you're part of the reason's hits went up an average of TEN TIMES what they were previously!! I credit it both (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
"Jeff Boen" <> wrote in message (...) pistol (...) to (...) guns... (...) Hmm, how did you manage to influence me 20 years ago? I used to make toy guns out of LEGO back then, obviously somehow your evil (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
(...) wow. I am stunned. Its really cool that so many people seemed interested in your gun design, but I don't know what to say without sounding negative. I don't want to seem rude because it isn't a *bad* design, and I'm not against firearms at (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: The Lego Beretta just won't die
(...) A year ago I built one from your ldraw file. Pictures of it are here: (URL) is also a comparison to a H&K USP 40 (sorry I don't own a baretta but even the HK was amazingly close). KL (23 years ago, 29-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad)

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