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 General / 19105
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Re: The problem I have with upcoming product hoaxes
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 22:30:12 GMT
1121 times
Both of which have made me basically not trust anything Ben says ANYWHERE near
April.  And maybe the rest of the year too.

Larry Pieniazek wrote:

In lugnet.general, Shiri Dori writes:
But not both hoaxes were by Ben (you're talking about the AT-AT hoax, not so?
That was Greg M.'s).
Still, very low probability, there weren't many hoaxes here.

No, he was talking about Ben's one year ago april fools "I found a really old
train set" and this years april fools "there is some new train stuff coming in

Both of which were masterfully(1) done and which drew people in for quite a

1 - by that I mean they fooled many people for a goodly period of time,
although there were professional debunkers who successfully nitpicked at the
cracks and unraveled them eventually..


Tom Stangl
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The problem I have with upcoming product hoaxes
(...) No, he was talking about Ben's one year ago april fools "I found a really old train set" and this years april fools "there is some new train stuff coming in December" Both of which were masterfully(1) done and which drew people in for quite a (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jun-00, to lugnet.general)

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