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Re: LUGNET members association
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 22:15:15 GMT
55 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Leonard Hoffman wrote:
   In lugnet.admin.general, Ross Crawford wrote:
   In lugnet.admin.general, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
   In lugnet.admin.general, Ross Crawford wrote:
   I think it does. If there was total trust, we wouldn’t require a policy document.

And THAT’S the crux of why LUGNET is at least partly broken. The admins don’t trust (some of) the users and (some of) the users (not necessarily the same ones) don’t trust the admins.

OK let me put it another way, if it’s worth creating a P&P doc, it’s worth assuring the users they will be listened to.

Yeah, I don’t believe this. The LPRV is a great example. The Admins gathered a group of people and said, we trust you guys! We want to know what you think! And then, seemingly out of nowhere, they started accusing the Admins of creating a rubber stamp committee.

Lenny, I never said all the people would believe such assurances all the time. But I still think it’s worth providing them.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LUGNET members association
(...) Yeah, I don't believe this. The LPRV is a great example. The Admins gathered a group of people and said, we trust you guys! We want to know what you think! And then, seemingly out of nowhere, they started accusing the Admins of creating a (...) (20 years ago, 25-Apr-05, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions, FTX)

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