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Re: Clubs/Events - Tips and Tricks
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:52:26 GMT
5388 times
In, Jake McKee wrote:

I'm putting out a call to help me assemble your best tips/tricks/best practices
for forming and running local clubs and events.

This has probably already been mentioned elsewhere, but one activity that I
truly enjoy at our local meetings is the set draft. In brief, we work it like

All members who want to participate purchase the set in question. Usually we
limit the cost to $20. Last meeting we bought the Air Blazers set as a bonus set
since one of our members spotted them on clearance.

Fourteen sets went into that draft. Each set is divided up into its component
pieces with one pile per type of piece. There are a few exceptions [1] but for
the most part this works out. Each person draws a number from a hat determining
the order in which they pick. As you go down the list each person picks a pile
up until there are less piles left than people in the draft. At this point the
pick goes in reverse[2]. It compensates somewhat for a high number.

It really works well. Every one comes out with a bunch of pieces that may be
neat in small numbers but are amazing in large quantities.

[1] Now for the exceptions. Some things are divided into more than one pile. All
splits are made prior to drawing numbers.
1) Any pile that some one wants split is split until people are happy.
   We split the chrome elbow bends in two and the jet engines into four piles
   for the air blazer draft.
2) Minifigs count as two parts. They are matched up and then two piles are made.
3) Wings and other mirror items are paired up and split in two.

[2] For example, with four people you pick up piles in order 1-2-3-4 until #4
picks up a pile and there are less than that number left on the table. For 7
piles you would go 1-2-3-4-4-3-2.

As one of our members said "You only miss the draft once"

Best of Luck!


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Clubs/Events - Tips and Tricks
(...) Thanks Dan for reminding me of an important point. I should have mentioned this originally. Assume I have zero info for this collection. If something has been stated elsewhere, assume I've not not seen it. Help me out and point me to that (...) (20 years ago, 19-Mar-04, to, lugnet.general,,
  Re: Clubs/Events - Tips and Tricks
(...) I'll write up something more complete this weekend, but on the topic of drafting, I wanted to note that MichLUG does it a little different, which I have docemented here: (URL) Jason Spears | (URL) BrickCentral> | (URL) MichLUG> (20 years ago, 19-Mar-04, to, lugnet.general,, FTX)
  Re: Clubs/Events - Tips and Tricks
(...) Not that I'm trying to derail this thread, but our club has added one very cool addition to our drafting. Before we sort the sets out, we have a series of mini-building contests. In other words, everyone opens their own set (only one if (...) (20 years ago, 19-Mar-04, to, lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Clubs/Events - Tips and Tricks
As you can imagine, I get A LOT of questions from fans in my role as Community Liaison. Many are recurring themes, where fans are looking for answers to the same question. One such recurring series of questions has to do with running events and (...) (20 years ago, 19-Mar-04, to, lugnet.general, !! 

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