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 Castle / 3866
3865  |  3867
Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 01:05:17 GMT
2471 times
In lugnet.castle, Richard Marchetti writes:
This explains why you now have one of these guys, it came with 6071.  I never
realized it before, but there are TWO reasons to desperately want this set:
the Forest Wench and now the lil' Black Collared Forest Guy!

Wowee! And to think I should be getting that set in a few days! Now I have yet
another reason to expect the mail ;-)

(Finally my forestman population will grow beyond two!)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Craigo: As to our earlier conversation about the black collared Forestman, see: (URL) the difference a feather makes... This explains why you now have one of these guys, it came with 6071. I never realized it before, but there are TWO reasons to (...) (24 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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