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 Castle / 3823
3822  |  3824
Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 21:35:55 GMT
2496 times
In lugnet.castle, Nathan McDowell writes:
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
In lugnet.castle, Nathan McDowell writes:
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
If memory serves me right, those were supposed to be Celts.  I was not • very
happy with their portrayal.


Ahh, Celts!  Now it makes sense (light bulb above head)  All these years I
thought they were making fun of Scots, but instead they were just doing a • bad
portrayal of Celts.  Thanks for the clarification.

Excuse me?  You must be joking... Scots *are* Celtic..


Yep, you're right.  I stand corrected.

No, no.  The Scottish are of Pictish decent, as well as Germanic.  The Celts
are niether Scottish or Pictish.


If you are interested in the history of these peoples go to <A
History of the Scots, Picts, and Britons by David F. Dale</A>


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I didn't mean it harsh, but I just read it again and it does kinda sound that way, sorry. =) ~Nathan (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) bad (...) If you are interested in the history of these peoples go to <A HREF="(URL)The History of the Scots, Picts, and Britons by David F. Dale</A> ~Nathan (24 years ago, 28-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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