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Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 05:50:08 GMT
1969 times
Aw, Craig, you're killin' me... every time I think I have a good idea, you
come along with one twice as good... it's so depressing... (j/k)

In lugnet.castle, Craig Hamilton writes:
~bit of a ramble, but all very on-topic...

Your ramble is ALWAYS welcome here...

Hillendale sounds awesome! Does it exist soley in your mind or in lego? Any

Funny you have that "blue = fishermen", etc. thing... I was going along that
line too (ie, categorizing minifigs according to their "color"). But I (unlike
you) tend to show the minifig's *loyalties* by their colors (eg: peasants
loyal to the king will wear at least one article of blue clothing) instead of
their jobs.

also deep in the woods toward the mountains is the wolfpack, a gang of
marauders, (nothing short of feral), that goes by the name, BANDELOUPS (from
the french ~ ;-)  things have _not_ been the same since the WILDE TWINS,
WENDEL & WENDY joined up! she is now the leader, with her brother and their
two "pet" wolves at her side. (ok, so they're unbearably cute belville
puppies, but it looks like an unbearably cute WOLF next to mini-fig!)

Argh, I'm convinced you can read my mind and steal my ideas ;-)
I'm planning on having a pet tiger, A.K.A. the belville striped cat... (the
owner of the tiger is Kfir, BTW).

i was also struck by my nice assortment, which didn't exist at all just
one year ago. (just a few dark forest; no classics)

I also have much more than 4 months ago. Not only do I actually have some RK
(I'm over 30 now! My army is nearing the 40 line if you count the KK) but also
I recently got my first WP figs and I'm hoping for some FM... meanwhile my
only FMs are the two I got in the crusader's cart, in 1991... the first set I
got after returning to Israel (I rememeber the day pretty clearly, even tho' I
was just ~6... :)

5-6 years ago, i was into my lego rennaisance, but not on the net, which
seems like a dark ages of sorts looking back.

Mine too.

here's hope for you newcommers
looking to do the same! i can't imagine a better group of people than
friends of lego.

Me either!

(*) ~ there is another headed my way this week! i'm recieving an even
bigger collection (+ $50!) in exchange for designing a dragon tattoo for my
pal who's a bike cop on my street! (i can feel the green gazes!) i'll be
sharing a pic of the design with .castle, as you all will find it strikingly
familiar and unexpected. :-) i'll post the details wednesday!

Wow, congrats! Yes, I am seeing green right now... all the light from your
forestmen is deflecting on me, aaah!

i'm working on my dragon storylines, set in the mountains beyond
hillendale, where the kingdom of lapis, city of beauty and art is located.
all this has had me thinking on dragons for weeks!  i'd love to read more
posts in the "Dragon Lore" thread, y'all!!

Can't wait to see it!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) ~bit of a ramble, but all very on-topic... my forestmen are generally the villagers of a quirky small town called HILLENDALE that is located on a river that runs through a large dense forest. half of the town is in the wooded hillside, and (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle) ! 

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