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 Castle / 3789
3788  |  3790
Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 22:53:29 GMT
2220 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Ah, foo.  I forgot about the Bulls.  In my world, they are the "real" bad
guys.  None of the other factions like them or deal with them.  They're just
a "keep to themselves except when the want more land or moolah" type of

Shouldn't that be Moo-lah? =]

Just milking another bad joke from the udder-ly silly Bull faction.  Now I'll
be hoofin' it out of here.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) I think that any bull kingdom should use the official currency of moolah. It doesn't sound like anyone is actually going to be giving them a kingdom. I know that I'm not. But that would be a good name for their coins. Timbo (24 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) Cheez, I'm havin' a cow! I calf stand this anymore... My Bull section is udder-ly unimportant. I have four of 'em and prefer to ignore them. I might use the torsos that came w/o the emblem but the others can stay in storage for now. The faces (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) Ah, foo. I forgot about the Bulls. In my world, they are the "real" bad guys. None of the other factions like them or deal with them. They're just a "keep to themselves except when the want more land or moolah" type of minifigs. Also, like the (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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