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 Castle / 3795
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Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 23:38:36 GMT
1930 times
In my world, the Wolfpack are tough, hard-bitten mercenaries.  They'll sign up
anyone and they don't ask questions about your past.  However, if you're not • one
of the best, you will be by the end of your first year, or you'll be dead. • The
Wolfpack have a reputation for taking on the worst jobs and surviving.  They • may
be mercenaries, but they have their own kind of honor.


Mercs would be a GREAT term to describe the WP.  I was trying to think of
something better than "thieves," but that's all I could come up with.  The
vigilante style fits their appearance perfectly!  A bounty-hunter type group
could also fit into this somewhere... I have two.  One's a rogue Knight that
wears all black, except for his red gloves.  The other's a normal peasant
looking guy, but his coolness lies in his weapon.  I've given him a lightsaber
hilt with a black katana sticking out either side of it.  Kind of like the old
Ronin Warriors(1) look; very cool.

(1) Old Japanese anime cartoon with cool looking suits and sweet weapons!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) <snip> (...) In my personal "LEGO Castle" history (separate from my CastleWorld stuff) the (Dark) Forestmen were led by a Baron outlawed by the Royal King. (Not the real Royal King, though - his magical doppelganger.) He found out about the (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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