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 Castle / 3786
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Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 22:39:45 GMT
1826 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Right on, Shiri!  I'd have to agree with just about everything.

Well I'm glad we agree!

The one thing
that's different in my world is that the WP and Forestmen Coexist, each being
thieves.  The Forestmen have kind of a Robin Hood-esque(?) appeal to them; the
whole steal from the rich and give to the poor thing.

You're right, I couldn't avoid that feeling too. But in my realm it's the WP
who are Robin-Hoodish... I really don't want to wreck my story but my WP
generally go against the royalty.

The WP, OTOH, are just
a bunch of guys who want more cash to finance their needs (beer, ale, other
various intoxicants, as well as weapons.)

LOL! ..."other various intoxicants"... hehehe...

For my WP leader, I used the head
of the Hoth soldier, because it's got that bit of hair hanging down, and
there's a sly and mischievious look.

I like that face. I used it for a less sly guy, though - a wizard.

As for the clear-cut good guy bad guy
thing, I just think it depends on who you ask.  If my WP stole 10 barrels of
ale from the KK, then the KK regards them as "bad guys."  If they sold that
ale to the DM, then the DM see them as "good guys."

<grin> It's all in the timing. (1)

I see what you mean, but I meant in the "real" people's eyes, not the minifigs.

Thanks for the second view!


(1) "It's all in the timing. My name's Bill, BTW."... ten bucks if you know
where that's from ;-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Forestmen and Wolfpack... thoughts
(...) Right on, Shiri! I'd have to agree with just about everything. The one thing that's different in my world is that the WP and Forestmen Coexist, each being thieves. The Forestmen have kind of a Robin Hood-esque(?) appeal to them; the whole (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)  

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