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 CAD / LDD / 217
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**** CURRENT LDraw.XML ver 1.6 **** Re: Conversion file for ldraw to ldd
Mon, 6 Apr 2009 13:44:03 GMT
30246 times
Spent a bit more timed then I had planned but bunches of new parts! Many new parts for this LDD parts library ver 38.25.

Just uploaded the most current version of the LDraw.xml (ver. 1.6e) file need to import and export LDR files with LDD.

To install go to LEGO CompanyLEGO Digital Designerassets Directory and look for the ldraw.xml file. Back the file up or rename it and replace it with the new file. Make sure it has the same format as your original file. For some reasons it may add extra data that will make it not work.

While in LDD go to export, choose the .ldr file type, remove the .lxf after your file name, and save. To import just import from .ldr.

Here is the version that only has correctly working parts.

The beta version may have extra working parts along with many incorrect parts, In the Beta version some of the pieces will be killed by bad translations and rotation’s still.

Will be working on the beta version to get more fixed once I get more time. May be a few weeks. Enjoy!

Mike Gallagher

Message is in Reply To:
  Conversion file for ldraw to ldd
Hi all, I've converted the old conversion file from LDD 1.6 (with Jason Railton's adaptions) to LDD 2.0 format. It is far from perfect but is also far better than what is currently available. To install it just quit LDD 2, go to (...) (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

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