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 CAD / LDD / 102
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Re: Conversion file for ldraw to ldd
Sat, 7 Apr 2007 18:50:46 GMT
24791 times
In lugnet.cad.ldd, Timothy Gould wrote:
Hi all,

I've converted the old conversion file from LDD 1.6 (with Jason Railton's
adaptions) to LDD 2.0 format. It is far from perfect but is also far better than
what is currently available.

To install it just quit LDD 2, go to [LDD2Directory]/assets and look for the
file ldraw.xml. Back the file up somewhere and replace it by my file. When you
reboot it will offer much more substantial conversion (although a lot of pieces
will be killed by bad translation and rotation tables).


I have been trying to correct some of the errors when exporting from LDD > LDR,
and not being a programmer I have come to a dead end.
I have been able to correct some of the parts that would show up but not in the
correct location or rotation. But I’m at a loss to why some parts just do not
show up.
I have noticed that at the end of the XML for LDRAW it seems to be a conversion
of part #’s from 3068b >3068. But these parts do not show up, should there also
be lines like below for 3068b?
Also how do I find out what the LEGO part numbers are for LDD parts?
Are all the current available parts in this XML file one way or another but may
need fixed? If not would it be a waste of my time to add the rest (if you or
others all ready working on it).

Fixed these
<Transformation ldraw="3045.dat" tx="0.000" ty="-0.96" tz="0"
ax="0" ay="1" az="0" angle="1.570796" />
   <Transformation ldraw="3046.dat" tx="0" ty="-0.96" tz="0.800"
ax="0" ay="1" az="0" angle="1.570796" />
   <Transformation ldraw="3039.dat" tx="-0.400" ty="-0.96" tz="0"
ax="0" ay="1" az="0" angle="0" />
<Transformation ldraw="4286.dat" tx="0.000" ty="-0.96" tz="0"
ax="0" ay="1" az="0" angle="0" />

Mike Gallagher

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Conversion file for ldraw to ldd
(...) Me too to some degree. (...) I believe the system may be (incorrectly) case sensitive when reading LDraw files. Perhaps add b and B options. It's also possible this particular aspect is not yet programmed completely. Furthermore when (...) (17 years ago, 7-Apr-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

Message is in Reply To:
  Conversion file for ldraw to ldd
Hi all, I've converted the old conversion file from LDD 1.6 (with Jason Railton's adaptions) to LDD 2.0 format. It is far from perfect but is also far better than what is currently available. To install it just quit LDD 2, go to (...) (17 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

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