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BrickHelper v0.9 - a .LXF Inventory Application
Sat, 18 Apr 2009 21:12:02 GMT
26458 times
Attn. Everyone:

I've completed an initial version of this LXF file utility program I've been
working on, aka 'BrickHelper'. With this program you can load a creation made in
Lego Digital Designer, get an inventory of it's parts, and export a
Bricklink-compliant XML file that you can then upload directly into your wanted list via their wanted list upload interface.  It also
supports exporting to regular old comma-delimited text files.

Since this is sort of a beta version, it would be nice to to get feedback as to
what people think and what else people might want in the application or want
changed. Issues that I know if so far are:

A) minfigure inventory information doesn't really work too well

B) some parts may come up as '(Unknown Part)' - this is mostly due to the fact
that Lego has a habit of changing part numbers for no clear reason. There's a
facility for mapping new part numbers to old ones via the 'master.txt' file that
comes with the application, so any additional 'new part number to old part
number' mappings people could provide would be appreciated.

C) some part colors may come up as 'N/A' when viewing the Bricklink colors. In
these cases, there isn't any mapping from the Lego color to the proper Bricklink
color, maybe due to the fact that the color is too new or obscure. Or because I
just screwed up the mappings. :)

Anyway, here's a link where you can download it. Enjoy!:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: BrickHelper v0.9 - a .LXF Inventory Application
(...) Snip (...) results with my current method: save as ldraw file then import into BrickStore. Regards ROSCO (15 years ago, 20-Apr-09, to lugnet.cad.ldd)

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