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Re: Call for GUI part editor
Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:17:34 GMT
6746 times
In lugnet.cad, Anders Isaksson wrote:
Anders Isaksson wrote:
Of course, a workaround is to let the external program put
it's result to the clipboard, and manually paste that into LDDP

OK, I modified the standalone version a bit. It is now suitable to be used
as a 'User-defined program' in LDDP (the 'Parameter' field in LDDP should be
set to '%0'). Note that such programs can *only* work with the full file,
not selections in LDDP. Remember that you have to paste the results yourself
into the right window in LDDP (CTRL-A, CTRL-V)

works! thank you. as this is the standalone version I'll repeat my request for a
"Always on top" feature. is this doable? I also glimps for a split second an
about dialog when I start-up the prog. how about moving the about dialog into an
about button. I just had the feeling I missed some key info. I was up to ask for
an "undo" when I found out that I just can undo the paste in LDDP and fire up
Syncedit agian ... well ... it wouldn't hurt ...

cheers, w.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) OK, I modified the standalone version a bit. It is now suitable to be used as a 'User-defined program' in LDDP (the 'Parameter' field in LDDP should be set to '%0'). Note that such programs can *only* work with the full file, not selections in (...) (18 years ago, 16-Jul-06, to lugnet.cad)

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