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 CAD / 13919
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Re: Call for GUI part editor
Sat, 15 Jul 2006 20:32:29 GMT
5909 times
Don Heyse wrote:

Sounds like you want a wrapper plugin to start up the executable
version of syncedit and return control to LDDP right away.  I did
something like this years ago with the ldlist wrapper plugin.

Then you could theoretically work in both the LDDP and syncedit
windows with the ldview window displaying any updates, as long as you
can make syncedit and LDDP poll the file for changes like ldview.

Can a LDDP plugin get the name of the current file? AFAICS it's only given
the contents of the editor buffer (or just the selection). Without the file
name there's no way to do any polling, and when it's given the selection
only it's imperative that the file is not overwritten with only these lines!

This could be even better if LDDP and the syncedit executable both
supported the ldlist style drag and drop, but I don't know if that
ever got implemented in LDDP.

I don't think ldlist D&D is implemented in LDDP (pity!), and IIRC the ldlist
D&D is one part at a time only. If so it's not very easy to drag a whole
buffer from SyncEdit to LDDP using this protocol.

It almost seems like LDDP needs a new kind of 'plugin' ('plug-beside') that
can be live at the same time as LDDP, and gets automatic sync messages from
LDDP (and vice versa). The easiest way might be to let LDDP start an
external .exe with a (or maybe two, one for each direction)temporary file
and a window handle as the arguments, making it possible for LDDP to signal
the external program, and the external program to signal LDDP when the text
has been changed.

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) I think LDDP does already have support for *one* configurable external program. Put a %0 in the args list to make LDDP pass the name of the temp file to the external program. I used to add a -p to the args list to tell ldglite to poll the file (...) (18 years ago, 16-Jul-06, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) [snipping other suggestions...] (...) Sounds like you want a wrapper plugin to start up the executable version of syncedit and return control to LDDP right away. I did something like this years ago with the ldlist wrapper plugin. (URL) you (...) (18 years ago, 15-Jul-06, to lugnet.cad)

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