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 CAD / 13933
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Re: Call for GUI part editor
Mon, 17 Jul 2006 17:50:10 GMT
6924 times
Willy Tschager wrote:

many thx,anders. I'll test it. question though: CRTL-A for copy? most
progs use: CTRL-C for "copy", CTRL-V for "paste", CTRL-X for "cut"
while CTRL-A is used for "select all". a typo?

No, what I mean is:

'OK' or 'Send to Clipboard' in SyncEdit does an automatic 'copy', then in
LDDP you should do CTRL-A (Select all), CTRL-V (Paste) to replace the
contents of the edit buffer. Remember, a 'plug beside .exe' always gets the
full file, never just the lines that are selected in LDDP (while a plugin
will get the full file if nothing is selected, the selection otherwise).

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) many thx,anders. I'll test it. question though: CRTL-A for copy? most progs use: CTRL-C for "copy", CTRL-V for "paste", CTRL-X for "cut" while CTRL-A is used for "select all". a typo? bye, w. (18 years ago, 17-Jul-06, to lugnet.cad)

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