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Re: Your LEGO Dream Set?
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 23:57:38 GMT
9516 times
In my experience the best LEGO sets cost between $.07 and $.09 per piece. Less than that and you’ve got nothing but basic bricks-- important, but not flexible enough to be interesting by themselves. More than than and you’re getting too many single-purpose specialty chunks instead of real bricks. Some of my favorite sets are the recent Designer Series. They have the right combination of interesting, yet basic, flexible pieces, and they come at about $.07/piece. I knew I had to have the Dreamliner set, in part because I’m a huge aviation fan, but mostly when I saw the average part cost-- again, right on target.

If the set price is $.07-$.09, you’ve done something right!


Message is in Reply To:
  Your LEGO Dream Set?
(Recently, a thread was posted on 1000steine by my fellow LEGO Ambassadors, Stephan & Volker. Here is a similar thread in English.) Here is the question: What would be your LEGO Dream Set? ===...=== Before you reply, please consider the following: (...) (17 years ago, 26-Nov-06, to lugnet.ambassadors, lugnet.announce, FTX) !! 

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