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Re: Your LEGO Dream Set?
Mon, 27 Nov 2006 05:44:04 GMT
9004 times
I think that they should bring back the older series and redo them. Come on, you can come up with some many new ideas for the old themes.

For example. Paradisa sets (which I have been buying a lot of in the last 6 months) should be redone. I have already built a few custom sets just by using the parts in the theme.

A seaside cottage, a mountain lake escape, even a horse trailer, and so much more.

I also agree with the minifig packs. They were great. When Lego was doing their 25th I really wanted them to bring back the classic space man or even a pack with one figure from each them. That would of have been the whole bag of chips.


Message is in Reply To:
  Your LEGO Dream Set?
(Recently, a thread was posted on 1000steine by my fellow LEGO Ambassadors, Stephan & Volker. Here is a similar thread in English.) Here is the question: What would be your LEGO Dream Set? ===...=== Before you reply, please consider the following: (...) (17 years ago, 26-Nov-06, to lugnet.ambassadors, lugnet.announce, FTX) !! 

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