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Re: Your LEGO Dream Set?
Sun, 26 Nov 2006 15:29:52 GMT
8437 times
In lugnet.ambassadors, Nelson Yrizarry wrote:
What would be your LEGO Dream Set?

I’ll stick with the answer I posted to a similar thread about a year ago:

Globe model kit (18” - 24” diameter) with stand. Built with plates and bricks to provide good resolution to the continents. Similar to the one pictured in The Ultimate LEGO Book. Besides families purchasing these, I can envision one in every elementary school classroom, probably being rebuilt each year by the new class. It could even become an incentive for good behavior: “Every student with good behavior today gets to add 5 pieces to the class LEGO globe model”.

I’d be willing to pay about $150. for a 2,000 piece model. A little more or less in the same ratio for a different part count.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Your LEGO Dream Set?
(...) I'll second this as well. The last survey for S@H that the Ambassadors did included many recommendations for a globe, and I was quite disappointed the suggestion for it didn't make it into the final report to S@H. So maybe this time it'll get (...) (17 years ago, 27-Nov-06, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Your LEGO Dream Set?
(Recently, a thread was posted on 1000steine by my fellow LEGO Ambassadors, Stephan & Volker. Here is a similar thread in English.) Here is the question: What would be your LEGO Dream Set? ===...=== Before you reply, please consider the following: (...) (17 years ago, 26-Nov-06, to lugnet.ambassadors, lugnet.announce, FTX) !! 

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