Re: All 6 movies on DVD
Wed, 13 Oct 2004 19:29:19 GMT
2009 times
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In lugnet.starwars, Ahui Herrera wrote:
Can someone please refresh my memory as it has been a long, long time since
Ive watched the 1977 version of Star Wars.
Its this correct.
1977 Version: Han Solo shoots Greedo without giving Greedo a chance to shoot.
1990s SE Version: Greedo shoots first but misses and then Solo shoots and
kills Greedo?
Is this correct?
Im a bit confused over the grumbling?
Aside from the phrasing, yes, thats essentially it. Technically, Greedo had
plenty of opportunity to shoot Han in the original version, but his greed
exceeded his competence, and he forgot to keep his eyes on what Hans hands were
doing. In the SE version, Greedos gun shoots off at an odd angle because that
barrel was very clearly aimed straight at Hans upper chest/head, and the only
way he could have missed that shot that badly is if something was out of
position in the tip of his gun barrel.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: All 6 movies on DVD
| (...) Can someone please refresh my memory as it has been a long, long time since I've watched the 1977 version of Star Wars. Its this correct. 1977 Version: Han Solo shoots Greedo without giving Greedo a chance to shoot. 1990s SE Version: Greedo (...) (20 years ago, 13-Oct-04, to lugnet.starwars, FTX)
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