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Re: what's left for LEGO to make?
Thu, 1 Feb 2001 17:30:35 GMT
885 times
In lugnet.starwars, Mr L F Braun wrote:

  Regarding the maligned 7111, I have about 20 of those things.

See the inventory at <>, btw.

There are about 5 pieces in this set that could be considered less than
wonderful.  OK, 9 pieces, if you don't care for the four 1x4 dark gray
tiles printed with circuitry.  So this set has about 55 brown,tan, and dark
gray plates, tiles, slopes, click-hinges and bricks.  At the proper price,
what's to complain about?

At $6.75, they're sadly overpriced.  At $5.00 (that's slightly less than
$.10 per piece), they're a reasonable price.  At discounts, they're
awesome. :)

  The only parts that make my jaw clench are the
  Brown Unuseful Sloping Bits, which are only really unuseful
  until one realises that they match up with the 6x8 ex-low-slope
  roof bricks.  Then they're *much* more interesting.  (However
  80 of them is still overkill--can't quite get around *that* yet.)

Plus, I haven't seen a 6x8 low slope in brown yet. :(

  Oh, and the 4x4 multi-slope with the Droid Fighter Head print--
  that's kind of annoying, too, but you *can* make them into
  fairing pieces (like X-wing noses, another thing I'm inundated

They're also good for building flatworms -- just pop them onto a 2x12
plate, or maybe a tapered wing
<>. :)  But how many
planaria do you really need?

The printing is also good for showing small slots/slits, like for hidden

  But US$3 is as much as I'd ever spend for the set.  I got most
  of mine at $1.50 or less, at which they're a stunningly good
  deal.  At a half dollar each I'd take all I can get.  (And I did.)

Geez, me too (but I didn't get the chance).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: what's left for LEGO to make?
I just got done sorting 50 of them. I love it, but there's a mighty heap of useless things after the plates and such. Maybe something good will come from fiddling with all those 200 brown banana slopes. My source had 200+ copies from a Kmart. (24 years ago, 1-Feb-01, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: what's left for LEGO to make?
(...) Disposable as a paper cup? I wonder what a Dixie dispenser for *those* would look like. Anyways, I could see a UCS-ish Droid Fighter, given the very good observation Matt made. However, I couldn't see it as an actual UCS set--its level of (...) (24 years ago, 31-Jan-01, to lugnet.starwars)

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