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Re: New sets for 2001... finally (Pictures)
lugnet.general, lugnet.people
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 00:47:34 GMT
186 times
In lugnet.general, Andy Verner writes:
I dunno.  I have the UltraRex team and that's all.  I don't drive yet, and
my parents won't take me places that sell Legos because I'm "too old" for
them (obviously they have never heard of LUGNET).

Ahhh- rough. I don't drive quite yet, but I get my parents to drive me to
some stores once a few months, and otherwise I try to buy stuff online or
from S@H (til now I'd ask permission to use my parents' CC, now I have my
own Visa/ATM card). Once in a while I'll take the T (the Boston
transportation system) and go somewhere with a lot of stores. :-/

My parents don't like the hobby, but at least they're.... *somewhat*... OK
about it... my older sisters still think I'm too old, but at least my 'lil
sis likes it a bit.

XFUT .people

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New sets for 2001... finally (Pictures)
In lugnet.general, Shiri Dori writes: <snip> (...) <snip> Oh boy. Now comes the slow downward slide. ;) James (melting his fair share of non-ABS plastic) (24 years ago, 26-Oct-00, to lugnet.people)

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  Re: New sets for 2001... finally (Pictures)
(...) Hmm... I 'll see if I can manage some of those. I once got sort of a "bird" mode by slightly modifying Jet's carrying-case mode, and I've built Super Jet by adding parts from Granite, but the helicopter's the only really original thing I've (...) (24 years ago, 25-Oct-00, to lugnet.general)

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