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Re: Videogames (Was: Final Fantasy: The Movie website updated again!)
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 21:49:50 GMT
646 times
In, Scott Edward Sanburn writes:

Cool!  I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to pick up FM3, though...  :(

I am sure it will be around for a while, though. I saw Square is really
downloading the games this year, and others, I think Sony endeavor looks
really good as well. (Legend of Dragoon)

I saw the begininng of it, really weird. A cool ship, a bunch of • explosions,

Yeah, that is an awesome intro sequence; I'm still trying to figure how
everything relates to the game...  :)

It eventually does, somehow. Fei's mother or something?

and a bare naked lady (with purple hair stregically placed,. of course)
standing admist of the wreckage. Very weird.

Yup, but the wind allows for some nice rear shots.  ;)  (nudge, nudge, • wink,

Hey now! ; )

Well, we might be able to do a few game exchanges if you don't want to • pay for
it. It might be a Jamabalya (SP?) thing for! Who knows?

I'd think about it, but unfortunately, I've had a lot of bad expieriences
lending things out...  :(

Yeah, I usually have as well. I found the LUGNET community pretty good,
however. Just a suggestion after not having sleep, I am not out of those
woods yet, but I got around 5 hours this morning, so it is a little better.
being at work from 7:30Am to 3:30 AM is never fun!


P.S. You'll love the scene when Fei goes to Elly's house. I saw that one,
and almost died laughing. It is near the end of the game.

Scott E. Sanburn
Systems Administrator-Affiliated Engineers ->
LEGO Page ->
Coming Soon: The Sanburn Systems Company

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Videogames (Was: Final Fantasy: The Movie website updated again!)
(...) Yes, Dragoon has some amazing FMV... I knew there was a game I forgot to pre-order... :) (...) Well, um, I hate to give away plot ('specially when I haven't gotten to that part yet...), so I'll put it at the bottom of the message. Also, did (...) (25 years ago, 6-Apr-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Videogames (Was: Final Fantasy: The Movie website updated again!)
(...) Cool! I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to pick up FM3, though... :( (...) Yeah, that is an awesome intro sequence; I'm still trying to figure how everything relates to the game... :) (...) Yup, but the wind allows for some nice rear shots. (...) (25 years ago, 6-Apr-00, to

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