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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4181
4180  |  4182
Re: Who oversees the newsgroup?
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 03:18:39 GMT
1235 times
In, John DiRienzo writes:
  Well, we're both right.  I think the phrase must be a bit more common on
your underside of the world ;-), because of your more pure English heritage.
You guys probably use it more, and probably have the right to spell it how
you like.  I only found one reference to your spelling on the internet (from
Oz, of course)...

Yep, we're both right in our contexts. But don't get me started on the
implementation of the GST. It's enough to give you angina. You guys seem to
have mastered a GST quite well. Why does Australia have to be so dumb?

  However, etymology wise, the expression does come from the word I had
thought (longbow), 5000 soldiers standing aside, draw their longbows (not
just any bow!), someone hollers and the enemy instantly is running faster in
the opposite direction (1).  I managed to find a humorous example... (please
notice the third line, and the use of the word reknowned on line 6).

1 - In the US, these days, we have more flagrant ways of saying the same
thing.  However, as this post probably already has a certain hostile tone
(unintended, it just happened that way - blame MSN search) I am going to
refrain from opening that can.
  Have fun!

LOL!! I loved that article!!

Pete Callaway

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Who oversees the newsgroup?
Well, we're both right. I think the phrase must be a bit more common on your underside of the world ;-), because of your more pure English heritage. You guys probably use it more, and probably have the right to spell it how you like. I only found (...) (25 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to

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