Re: Ya wanna talk about legislating morality?
Fri, 6 May 2005 14:52:50 GMT
1329 times
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In, John Neal wrote:
Everything that exists had to come from something. Whether you want to
call Event 1 God or just Some Random Occurance, neither fit into the
model of Science.
Thats a false dilemma. The current (and correct) response is: We currently
dont have enough data to answer that question.
Even if you want to say that the universe always was, that is still beyond
logic and beyond the peruse of Science.
Suppose that one says Current data suggests that the universe has always
existed, in some form. How is that inconsistent with the scientific method?
I thought we all had agreed that Science had nothing to say about Creation.
But certainly you cant deny that it occured.
I think we agreed that evolution says nothing about the creation of life or
the universe. However, science says We currently dont have enough data
to answer that question.
Thats not a denial or a dimissal; its a recognition that the data currently
available to us are inadequate to formulate an answer. Some people find this
aesthetically unsatisfying and look to faith for an answer, but that is, once
again, the God Of The Gaps fallacy.
Creation is the elephant in the room of Science.
Logic, reason, and rationalism are the elephants entirely missing from the room
of faith. But Ill wager that youd still take an antibiotic if you developed
an infection.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Ya wanna talk about legislating morality?
| (...) But that's a disengenuous assertment. There will never be enough "data" to answer that question. It is unknowable. (...) Because there isn't or never will be any such data. The scientific method cannot explain the origin of something without (...) (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Ya wanna talk about legislating morality?
| (...) Everything that exists had to come from something. Whether you want to call Event 1 "God" or just "Some Random Occurance", neither fit into the model of Science. Even if you want to say that "the universe always was", that is still beyond (...) (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to, FTX)
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