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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20778
20777  |  20779
Re: Property Rights are the foundation of freedom
Sun, 4 May 2003 23:14:01 GMT
485 times
In, Scott Costello writes:
Have all employment laws been failures? no, here in America we have the
richest poor in the world, and standard of living for the average person is
still really good compared to other nations.

Who is the average person?

How do you know his or her standard of living is still really good compared
to other nations?



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Property Rights are the foundation of freedom
(...) I wish I could locate a cite right now, but the average american believes wrongly that they are within the top 1-5% of the wealthy in the U.S. Costello believes wrongly that the average american is doing well economically, but is probably (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Property Rights are the foundation of freedom
(...) The true irony here is the fact that labor laws have not improved working conditions, just relocated them. The same conditions that were so horrible in this country, now exist in under developed countries, and those manafacturing jobs that (...) (22 years ago, 2-May-03, to

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