Re: boulders on shoulders
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:09:21 GMT
185 times
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In, Katie Dokken writes:
> In, Duane Hess writes:
> > As I interpreted it, and mind you it could be a case of snippage, she was
> > responding to "A failing on minorities and women to understand the
> > Libertarian message?". She seemed to be pointing out that she is a woman and
> > does get the message. It just so happens that she has other things taking
> > priority over an active role in the LP, some of them being sexual bias which
> > is still common in todays American society.
> You hit the nail on the head. I was trying to respond to the "a failing on
> minorities and women to understand the Libertarian message."
Katie, at the risk of enflaming your obvious passion on this issue, have
you been reading Bruce's clarifications (and/or mine) of Bruce's original
point? He's several times rephrased the original post, but it seems that
you're irritated at a misreading of his message. Bruce did not say that
women and minorities don't get the LP message. He's saying (and has said
numerous times) that women and minorities *do* get the LP message, but they
don't think it's convincing or viable. The tone of Bruce's post (to which
you seem to take such exception) was ironic; he asked if women and
minorities aren't a major part of the LP because they "don't get" the
message, but the actual meaning (to even a casual, but thoughtful reading)
was that women and minorities understand completely, and *that* is the
reason, Bruce suggests, that women and minorities are represented in such
limited numbers.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: boulders on shoulders
| (...) You can clarify all you want, I've read them all. I think Katie raised a valid point though. (...) It may not be that it *isn't* convincing, or viable. It may just be that women and minorities are too busy fighting other fires to participate. (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to
|  | | Re: boulders on shoulders
| (...) At the risk of starting another thread, I have been reading the posts, but this whole new thing of reading a post, responding, then going and downloading my email, pulling up the emailed link for the posting, clicking on the button to post the (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to
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