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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11106
11105  |  11107
Re: boulders on shoulders
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:09:21 GMT
185 times
In, Katie Dokken writes:
In, Duane Hess writes:

As I interpreted it, and mind you it could be a case of snippage, she was
responding to "A failing on minorities and women to understand the
Libertarian message?". She seemed to be pointing out that she is a woman and
does get the message. It just so happens that she has other things taking
priority over an active role in the LP, some of them being sexual bias which
is still common in todays American society.

You hit the nail on the head.  I was trying to respond to the "a failing on
minorities and women to understand the Libertarian message."

  Katie, at the risk of enflaming your obvious passion on this issue, have
you been reading Bruce's clarifications (and/or mine) of Bruce's original
point?  He's several times rephrased the original post, but it seems that
you're irritated at a misreading of his message.  Bruce did not say that
women and minorities don't get the LP message.  He's saying (and has said
numerous times) that women and minorities *do* get the LP message, but they
don't think it's convincing or viable.  The tone of Bruce's post (to which
you seem to take such exception) was ironic; he asked if women and
minorities aren't a major part of the LP because they "don't get" the
message, but the actual meaning (to even a casual, but thoughtful reading)
was that women and minorities understand completely, and *that* is the
reason, Bruce suggests, that women and minorities are represented in such
limited numbers.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: boulders on shoulders
(...) You can clarify all you want, I've read them all. I think Katie raised a valid point though. (...) It may not be that it *isn't* convincing, or viable. It may just be that women and minorities are too busy fighting other fires to participate. (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to
  Re: boulders on shoulders
(...) At the risk of starting another thread, I have been reading the posts, but this whole new thing of reading a post, responding, then going and downloading my email, pulling up the emailed link for the posting, clicking on the button to post the (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: boulders on shoulders
(...) Duane, You hit the nail on the head. I was trying to respond to the "a failing on minorities and women to understand the Libertarian message." Katie (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to

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